Writer Wrangler

Written For Writers By Writers

Archive for the ‘Places to Visit’

What To Do With Your Free Time?

Writer tag cloudAs a working writer you may need down time to sharpen your brain and to get ready to write again.

I am going to add posts about downtime projects that can refresh your imagination and revive you… So you can get back in there and write, write, write!


Worth Reading–Content Mills, Google and More

I’m not interested in jumping into the ongoing war about content mills and pricing for freelance writing today, but I will point you toward a blog post on the topic.

Carson Brackney’s post about content mills and those who hate them is worth reading.  Even if you don’t agree with him 100%, I think you’d have to admit he makes a few good points.

If nothing else, he gets bonus points for mentioning Denny’s, West Side Story, endongo lyre music and Tiger Woods in a single post!


Why Freelance Writers Shouldn’t Waste Much Time with Craigslist

By Lil’ Herbert Fuchida

craigslist_casual_encounters1I’m sure someone out there in Writerland is doing a wonderful job of finding good jobs on Craigslist. If you’re that person, you’re the exception to the rule.

Overall, Craigslist has become one of the worst possible places to go gig hunting. Somewhere along the way, the soulless scammers and thieves and the self-righteous elitists of the online content world all decided to make a stand on the free classified site.


What our writers are producing…Protect your copyrights!

If you ever wondered what kind of products that the writers from Writer Wrangler produce … Here is one of our recent published ebooks. I wish I could just give it away free to all members to show off how cool we are! But alas, I cannot due to the copyrights attached to it.  This ebook is for anyone who needs to understand how intellectual property rights work online, how to avoid violating anyone’s rights inadvertently, and how to protect your own. Comes with audio too so you do not actually need to read it! If you can take a few minutes to read the sales copy you will be reading more from a Writer Wrangler Writer. Also.. That is exactly what I am looking for when I say hiring for sales copy.  Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts! You can view the whole sales page here: http://www.writerwrangler.com/copyrights/index.html

Copyright handbook for online needs